
The purpose of this website is to provide a gathering place for the collection of family information pertaining to the descendants of William Brooks, Sr and Rachel Martin Brooks.

To see what has been posted, click on the photos on the front page.

One page to note is Our Family, which features a dropdown which will include the following pages:

  • Family News – Noteworthy information, photos and updates on special accomplishments of family members.
  • Locations – The geographic areas where family members reside.
  • Family Businesses – A directory of family members businesses, nonprofits, services, etc.. with links as available.
  • Generations – A gallery page showing generational family groups. Send yours in…
  • Quotes – Words of wisdom are encouraged. Please share a quote of your own for this page (no photos please).
  • Did you Know – Tidbits of things we should know that may help in our daily lives…
  • Obituaries – Scanned obituary programs will be available via links on this page.
  • Misc. Links – Links to a variety of resources to help all branches of the family… Send any that you may have….

Please use the contact form or email any information for these pages to: update@brooksmartinfamily.com

Thank you!!